Published: 5/21/2008
We use cloth diapers for our kids, so diaper laundry is a repetitive chore at our house. We don’t put the kind we use (mostly Fuzzibunz) in the clothes dryer, so we need to hang them to dry. To make this step just a little easier, I threw together a quick and cheap drying rack that we keep in the laundry room. We went with a homemade one since we didn’t find anything convenient locally.
It’s made of 1/2 inch PVC and fits about twenty to twenty five diapers at once. I didn’t glue it, since it’s good and tight just by pressing the pieces together. It fits on the top of the dryer and is sturdy enough to set a full laundry basket on top of when not in use. The total cost to build was only a couple of bucks, and it was very quick as far as my do-it-yourself projects go.
If you want to make one, here’s what you need:
- 8 PVC elbows (1/2 inch)
- 10 PVC tees (1/2 inch)
- 2 ten foot lengths of 1/2 inch PVC (well, about 18 feet, actually)
Cut the PVC into the following pieces:
- Three 25 inch lengths
- Two 17-1/2 inch lengths
- Two 15 inch lengths
- Four 9 inch lengths
- Twelve 3 inch lengths
Assemble the pieces as shown in the picture below:

My dad made 2 of these and we love them! I can easily move it outside when it’s nice or just on top of the dryer when it’s cold or raining! Thank you for posting this and saving us a lot of money!
We love ours! Thanks to Nicky we learned of this drying rack and it saves so much room! I dont have to go outside with them unless its nice, and so easy to just take out the door! Thanks for the post! This was super cheap too!!